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Evergreen DMR™ (SXP-0137)

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High yields and a healthy appearance have helped to make this our most popular baby leaf green Romaine ever. The leaves have an upright growth habit, are lightly cupped and feature a strong mid-rib – all of which explains why processors find this lettuce so easy to harvest. The medium-green color and smooth texture have lasting consumer appeal, thanks to an inherently long shelf-life. Combine all those attributes with consistently high yields, and you can see why this lettuce is so well-liked.
Baby leaf green romaine.
Big Benefit:
Yield, color and upright habit; DMR to most CA pathotypes.
Grow Region:
Coastal and desert.
Harvest Window:
Season long Babyleaf harvest.
Average Size:
4-5" height; 1.5 -2" width
Tolerant to:
Good DMR to most CA pathotypes. Resistant to Tomato Bushy Stunt virus
Mild yet distinctive.
Suggested Grower Price:
Spot orders $75 per raw pound; less for contract.

Nice yet slightly sharp flavored.